Monday, December 11, 2006

She's so Jane

Am I sick that I totally miss summer even though it's like 75 degrees in L.A.? I feel so serious in the winter, and a girl gets into trouble when she takes herself too seriously.

Last night I dreamt that my delightfully easygoing Midwestern ex-boyfriend had impregnated a pretty dark-haired girl, and married her shortly after we'd broken up. So in my dream he'd been married eight months and his wife was eight and a half months pregnant. Then we went up in an airplane with an open cabin and when we went upside down into a loop, some of our luggage fell out into the sea.

1 comment:

rhymes with vendetta said...

How weird, I had a dream like that once, Dubin. Except my ex got the girl pregnant BEFORE he broke up with me. And he didn't marry her, he got sued for child support.
Oh ya, and it wasn't a dream.