Monday, October 20, 2008

Rainy-Day Schedule

No, it's not exactly raining—this being Los Angeles and all—but today feels amiss.

In part that is because I am editing stories at a cafe on Sunset Boulevard, instead of in my office on Sunset Boulevard, because our Internet has had persistent problems for about a week, and I was teetering on the brink of sanity trying to work within our Web-based publishing tool there under those circumstances.

So I am editing stories in a big leather arm chair—fantasizing about that time within the next 10 minutes when I will buy a cup of chai tea—with my laptop in the place for which it was named. It is gray outside. It feels like Berkeley. This could be Cafe Strada or Milano, if there were more students and fewer models in the neighboring seats.

At Warner elementary school, when it rained, we could not go outside for recess, and instead played games inside at our desks as part of an alternate plan known as "Rainy-Day Schedule." The only game I can remember was called Heads-Up-Seven-Up, and had something to do with hiding our faces in our hands, heads down on desks, until something happened, but I can't remember what.


Megan said...

I don't remember the rest, but you put your thumb out and then someone tapped it, and then something...

KWarren said...

You put your thumb up if you were touched and then those who were selected had to try to guess who touched them. If you guessed right you got to switch positions with the person who picked you.

I won an award in first grade for being the best at Seven Up.

P.S. I should be getting the photos today.

KWarren said...

Hey Dubin,

I got the do I get it to you? I would feel quite strange hosting it on the web...

If you want, you can e-mail me at:
katie [at] katiewarren [dot] com